Mind Body Matters
Meditation & Mindfulness Resource Directory
Created in collaboration with Dr. Eve Ekman, this website was initially established to provide emotion and mindfulness resources to the medical provider and residents at UCSF. While working at the UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, we designed minimal 5-week suggested topics and resources for medical providers. The website also offers special topics of interest (i.e., parenting, compassion and empathy, resilience, etc.) with suggested meditations and readings to support these areas. Included are other links to beneficial meditation and well-being articles. https://mindbodymattersblog.wordpress.com/
Cultivating Emotional Balance
Official website for the emotion education training, Cultivating Emotional Balance.
Atlas of Emotions
Inspired by the Dalai Lama and designed by Dr. Paul and Eve Ekman, the Atlas of Emotions seeks to provide an interactive way to learn about emotions.
The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
Research and founders of the program, Cultivating Compassion Training.
The Greater Good Science Center
Founded by Dr. Dacher Keltner, GGSC disseminates a wide-range of well-being research findings through articles, webinars, podcasts, etc.